Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Use of Chance in Oedipus vs. Chronicle of a Death...

Jillian Smith anderson IB English Period 2 4 November 2012 The Use of Chance in Chronicle of a Death Foretold versus Oedipus the King Chance can serve many different purposes in works of literature. Whether it is to display a certain idea or to simply add to the authors writing style, chance can have a very significant effect on a reader or an audience. In Oedipus the King by Sophocles and Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, both writers use chance to develop their plots. The chance events are what further the plot and eventually lead to the main characters’ downfall. Chance, however, also has different purposes in the works, as Marquez uses it as an element of his magical realist style of writing, while†¦show more content†¦The chance events in both Chronicle of a Death Foretold and Oedipus the King serve to further the plot. In Oedipus the King, Oedipuss meeting and murder of his father fulfills one half of the prophecy. This event was necessary because causes Oedipus to be able to marry his mother, who will have lost her husband. The play is based on causation, and the chance events are oftentimes what cause the next event, which is why they are so vital to the plot. The shepherds discovery of Oedipus on the mountain side was by chance, yet it allowed Oedipus to survive and live out the prophecy he was given. Chronicle of a Death Foretold incorporates coincidence in the same way to develop the storyline. In the first chapter, the reader learns who killed Santiago. While the plot is already shown to reader, the inclusion of the events with Placida Linero and Cristo Bedoya helps to develop the plot, as the reader learns more about the odd circumstances that worked against Santiago to result in his death. The fact that both of them could have known about the murder early enough to stop it, yet learn about it later helps to develop the plot. Chance events in both Oedipus the King and Chronicle of a Death Foretold serve to advance the storyline. The purpose that chance serves within b oth works differs as well. In Oedipus the King, Sophocles uses chance events to portray the idea of fate and that attempts to go

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Prophet, Muhammad, Islam - 1349 Words

The prophet, Muhammad founded Islam in 622 C.E. at the Arabian Peninsula. Judaism and Christianity both originate in Palestine, but Judaism commenced over 3,500 years ago while Christianity found its beginning in 33 C.E. Christianity was created by Christ, the son of God, while Abraham was the man credited with founding Judaism. Assuredly, albeit Judaism, Christianity and Islam were founded in divergent times, the religions still hold similarities in beliefs and teachings. However, differentiations are still present and significant. In ancient times the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam were founded. Admittedly, the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam hold coinciding components as well as differing sectors; including the afterlife, political views, and their gods. To a degree Judaism and Christianity are fairly similar, withal possessing variations. For instance, both theologies hold devotion and loyalty to a single deity. Judaism, and Christianity both are monotheistic religions dedicating their allegiance to God. Moreover, the texts of both religions are comparable. The most sacred Jewish reference is the Bible, comprising of the Jewish Bible and the New Testament. The Christian Bible is constructed from the Old and New Testament. Thus, the two contrasting religions exemplify the same text, The New Testament. Politically speaking, in both spiritualities the religion is separate from the state, or government. Whereas theses comparisons are stillShow MoreRelatedHow the Prophet Muhammad Spread Islam755 Words   |  3 Pages How the Prophet Muhammad Spread Islam Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of Islam, he had made the biggest impact on the religion. Prophet Muhammad spread the Islamic religion throughout most of the world. He started spreading the religion after he had received the message from Gabriel, an angel sent from God to the Prophet. 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A series of Prophets were send after Adam with a message of love and equality for one another and believe in the unity of God. The last great messenger before Muhammad was Jesus. Mentioned twenty five times in the Quran, JesusRead MoreThe Life of Prophet Muhammad1107 Words   |  4 Pages In Islamic history, no single person has influenced the culture and life choices more than the prophet Muhammad. The early unity and creation of the Muslim faith is primarily an action of Muá ¸ ¥ammad ibn Ê ¿Abd AllÄ h ibn Ê ¿Abd al-Muá ¹ ­Ã¡ ¹ ­alib ibn HÄ shim. Muhammadis considered the prophet of the the Muslim faith and responsible for establishing the religion. The Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 CE. He is the child of Abdullah and his young wife Amina. He was born in the city of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Maintain Enhance Organizational Performance â€myassignmenhelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Maintain Enhance Organizational Performance? Answer: Introduction In the current business scenario, contemporary business organizations consider various factors to maintain and enhance their organizational performance. One of the key factors that are being considered by the organizations is the organizational behavior (Kinicki and Kreitner 2012). This is due to the reason that, in the current business scenario, internal management is being given more importance to maintain the effective working environment in the organizations. Majority of the contemporary business organizations follows the approach of maintaining the level of motivation and job satisfaction of their employees which in turn helps them in providing effective and ideal service to the customers. This essay will discuss about the role of having effective organizational behavior in the organizational in enhancing the organizational performance. Critical analysis will be done in order to determine the various theories and aspects of organizational behavior in relation to the business org anizations. Organizational behavior theories Various theories are being considered in the field of organizational behavior. One of the key aspects is the attitude. Attitude is the reflective of ones mind about how he is feeling or perceiving about any incidents. Accounting to the theory of cognitive dissonance, inconsistency is present between the behavioral attitudes of an individual and the more they will reduce the inconsistency, the more they will have stability. Thus, in the case of the organizational behavior, attitude is important due to the fact that, the attitude of the upper level management is the key determining factor in creating the organizational behavior in the organization. As told by Elias, Smith and Barney (2012), attitude is also one of the key determining factors to enhance the level of motivation of the employees and other stakeholders in the organization. Another key theory of organizational behavior is the motivation theory. According to the two-factor theory by Herzberg, there are mainly two factors in the organizations that should be considered in order to maintain the job satisfaction of the employees (Ryan and Tipu 2013). It is being stated by this theory that, there are some factors known as motivators such as engagement of the employees in the workplace, opportunities being provided to them, challenges being faced by them, and the reward and recognition being offered to them in their workplace. These factors help the employees in getting motivated in their workplace (Lazaroiu 2015). On the other hand, hygiene factors are those, which should be effectively maintained in the organization in order to prevent dissatisfaction among the employees. Hygiene factors refers to the factors such as proper payment structure, workplace health and safety and job security. These are factors, which will not motivate the employees, but absence o f these theories will create dissatisfaction among the employees. Another important theory of organizational behavior is the leadership. As told by Luthans, Luthans and Luthans (2015), leadership roles in the organizations also determine the maintenance of the organizational behavior in the workplace. According to them, the key role played by the leadership in the organization is to provide effective working environment to the employees, which in turn help the employees to have high level of motivation and engagement in the organizations. Moreover, the attitude and personality of the leadership is also important to determine the organizational behavior. This is due to the reason that, the attitude possessed by the leadership roles will have the influence on all the other stakeholders in the organization. Organizational behavior critical analysis There are several researches have been done in the past by various authors regarding the importance and issue being faced in maintaining the effective organizational behavior. A few of them are of the opinion that, organizational behavior in the organization is the prime factor to gain competitive advantages. According to Wagner III and Hollenbeck (2014), contemporary business organizations involve effective organizations behavior in order to secure competitive advantages in the market. According to them, maintaining effective organizational behavior helps the organizations in enhancing the level of motivation of the employees and the level of job engagement of the employees also get enhanced. This in turn increases the productivity of the employees as well as the organizational productivity. Teh and Sun (2012) classified the organizational behavior in relation with the attitude and knowledge sharing. According to them, attitude of the employees as well as the leadership roles is directly proportional to the sharing of knowledge in the internal organization. This is due to the reason that, the more will be the job satisfaction among the employees and the more will be the involvement of the employees in the organization, the more will be the sharing of the knowledge in the organization. Increased level of engagement of the employees in their workplace will enable them to get more involved in the organizations which in turn will initiate the sharing more knowledge. According to Pinjani and Palvia (2013), contemporary business organizations operate in the global market with having diverse workforce in the organization. Thus, for them mutual trust among the employees and between the different managerial levels is important to be maintained. This is due to the fact that, mutual trust among the employees will enhance the culture of teamwork in the internal management along with effective coordination with the upper level management. Thus, the more will be the level of coordination among the employees, the more will the organizational productivity and effectiveness. Another aspect of attitude and organizational behavior as a whole is the organizational commitment. As stated by Borman (2014), the attitude for the internal stakeholders is important due to the fact that, it will help in help in enhancing the organizational commitment of the employees. The more will be the organizational commitment, the more will be the organizational citizenship behavior. According to him, the attitude of the employees should be gaining competitive advantage in the organization by increasing their job experience. Moreover, the attitude of upper managerial levels should also be favorable enough to motivate the employees in increasing their organizational commitment. Potential issues in organizational behavior Though majority of the authors are of the opinion that organizational behavior have more of the favorable outcome for the organizations. However, there are a few potential challenges that may be faced by the organizations in enhancing effective organizational behavior in the organization. According to Thomas (2012), resistance of diversity in the organization is one of the key issues. This is due to the reason that, in the diversified workforce, maintaining the organizational behavior will face challenge in considering the different cultural aspect of the employees. The decision making process will get hindered due to the reason that, some decisions will be acceptable to one group of employees while the other will find it culturally different. According to Johnson (2017), organizational behavior will also find issues in maintaining the ethical considerations in the organization. This is due to the fact that, organizational behavior should be designed in such a way that, it will be acceptable to the all the internal stakeholders. Issues such as inequality among the employees and unequal employee representation should be well maintained by the organization. According to him, this ethical dilemma may be faced by the organizations in maintaining the effective organizational behavior. Recommendations Having critically analyzed various aspects of organizational behavior, it is being found that there are various opportunities as well as challenges that will be faced by the organizations. Thus, these recommended steps will help to implement effective and ideal organizational behavior in the internal environment. One of the key measures that to be taken is to increase the job engagement of the employees. The more will be the level of engagement of the employees in their workplace, the more be the mutual trust and coordination among the employees (Andrew and Sofian 2012). Another measure to be taken is the rewarding system to enhance the level of motivation of the employees. Initiation of reward and recognition mechanism for the employees will help to enhance the level of motivation for the employees, which in turn will help to enhance the organizational behavior. Leadership roles should be effectively designed in order to create an ideal working environment in the organization. In in itiating effective leadership roles, ethical and cultural issues should be considered. It will help to create ideal working environment along with providing clear vision to the employees, which will in turn enhance the organizational productivity. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that, initiation of the effective organizational behavior is important for the contemporary business organizations. This is due to the reason that, effective management of the human resources in the internal environment is the key factor to gain competitive advantages in the market. Moreover, maintenance of the effective organizational behavior will help to increase the employees as well as organizational productivity. Though, initiation of the ideal organizational behavior will face various challenges, however, it can be overcome by following the recommended steps. Thus, it can be concluded that, initiation of the effective working environment and managing the employees will help to promote effective organization behavior in the internal environment of the organization. Reference Andrew, O.C. and Sofian, S., 2012. Individual factors and work outcomes of employee engagement.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,40, pp.498-508. Borman, W.C., 2014.Organizational citizenship behavior and contextual performance: A special issue of human performance. Psychology Press. 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